Scuba Fools

Our Oceans Hold Many Wonders


She covers 71% of the earth, Yet only 7.25% are able to travel through her

Some went down to the sea in ships, doing business on (in) the great waters. These saw the deeds of the Lord, his wonderous works in the deep.

Psalm 107:23-24

Who Are We

A consortium of professionals that love to dive, and share that love of diving. While some of us work through local shops, most of us prefer not to deal with the rigors of day to day retail.


We are skilled, professional people who teach diving as a calling. Individually, we each have years of experience, developing and equipping ourselves along the way to train others at the highest possible standards.

Our History

We have all taught for shops in the area.  Fact is, many of us still do, from time to time. Events and customer needs lead to the occasional special request. As these requirements grew, we developed a customer base with unique needs that the typical shop might find challenging to support.


Meanwhile, that same typical shop has been forced to reduce prices in response to competition, often to the point the customer questions the value. Our own observations show that customers desire more training, not less. They want a greater value proposition, and understand the need to pay for it.